Monday, September 20, 2010

1995 Jetta Accelerator Is Sticking

Facebook # / group.php? gid = 123823303412

One day on facebook, before undergoing a second heart surgery, I decided to create a group that would allow people with heart disease, heart surgeries, waiting for heart surgery or not, to tell their own experience, doubts, fears and anything else you want to communicate.
The group is also open to parents of children with heart disease, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons and all those who would like to get to know the reality of living with heart disease.
The group joined a number of people with heart disease, but especially parents of children with congenital heart disease awaiting surgery or behind one or more cardiac surgery.
They also joined the parents of children who have yet come to light, in which new technologies have been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect.
This group, whose members already exceed the 300, is giving me much satisfaction, but the most important aspect is that thanks to this I not only had the opportunity to talk about my cardiac condition, but also to confront other people like me, are born with heart disease.
In fact, until now, I'd never met people with similar experiences behind.
All this made me feel less alone and then if this group is helpful to someone who can not be happy!
Infuse ...... behind heart disease is not only a heart patient to treat or repair,,,, Being cardiac and much more.


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